Medical Cannabis
Now Legal for Kentucky Residents
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has ordered that effective January 1st, 2023 that any Kentucky resident suffering with any ONE of the conditions listed below can legally purchase medical cannabis-marijuana to help themselves with the medical condition(s) that they are fighting. Indiana residents are not yet eligible for this program, but we expect that Indiana will follow suit soon.
The goal of this order is to lessen the use of narcotics, lessen accidental overdoses, hospitalizations and to improve the quality of life experienced by patients facing these types of medical challenges. From the testimonials below it is clear that medical marijuana can be extremely helpful to many patients.

Why Choose Medical Marijuana?
Unlike opioids, cannabis does not cause respiratory depression leading to lesser mortality rates, and medical cannabis is far less addictive. Allowing Kentuckians diagnosed with certain medical conditions and receiving palliative care to purchase, possess and/or use medical cannabis would improve the quality of their lives and may help reduce the abuse of other more dangerous and addictive medications, such as opiates.
One recent study showed a 64% reduction in opioid use among chronic pain patients who used medical cannabis. These patients experienced fewer side effects and improved quality of life.
Kentucky residents will need to provide documentation from another physician, PA, or nurse practitioner that they are suffering from one of the listed conditions and they will need to bring valid personal identification that lists their current address.
Rules That All Patients Using Medical Cannabis Must Follow:
- You must provide evidence (medical records) from another Doctor, PA or Nurse Practitioner that you are suffering from one or more of the following conditions listed.
- You at one time may possess no more than 8 ounces of marijuana products.
- You must purchase in a state that can legally sell these products such as Illinois, Ohio
- You must keep a copy of the purchase receipt for 7 years
- You must be a Kentucky Resident and be at least 21 Years Old
- Must have a physician-patient relationship established by this certificate.
ANY Kentucky Residents who have a medical qualifying condition can receive a “MEDICAL CANNABIS CERTIFICATE” from Kentuckiana Integrative Medicine [Office 812-913-4416] which will allow the patient to legally purchase medical marijuana-cannabis.
Qualifying Conditions
(Kentucky residents will need to provide documentation from another physician, PA, or nurse practitioner that they are suffering from one of the listed conditions and they will need to bring valid personal identification that lists their current address.)
- Severe Arthritis Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Hepatitis C
- Glaucoma
- Parkinson’s
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Crohn’s Disease
- Severe And Chronic Pain
- Neuropathy
- CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Intractable Pain
- Epilepsy
- Intractable Seizures
- Cancer
- Terminal Illness
- Cachexia-Wasting Syndrome
- Muscular Dystrophy
- ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-Lou Gehrig’s Disease
- Huntington’s Disease
Frequently Asked Questions About
Medical Cannabis
Will Insurance or Medicare pay for this treatment?
Medical Cannabis will be legally eligible for purchase but is not covered by insurance at this time.
Can I qualify for treatment in Kentucky if I live in Indiana?
Unfortunately, Indiana residents are not yet eligible for this program, but we expect that Indiana will follow suit soon.
How do I qualify for treatment?
Kentucky residents will need to provide documentation from another physician, PA, or nurse practitioner that they are suffering from one of the qualifying conditions. You will need to bring valid personal identification that lists your current address.
Where will I be able to purchase medical cannabis?
You must purchase in a state that can legally sell these products such as Kentucky, Illinois, or Ohio.
What Others Say
Jared Bonvell, a veteran from Northern Kentucky who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, described his daily struggle with the 13 medications he was prescribed that weren’t effective. He said he contemplated suicide because of the constant battle. “Within a year, I didn’t drink and was off 12 of the 13 medications,” said Bonvell. “I still have all those injuries and disabilities, but I can function. I can live. I can have friendships and conversations again.”
Craig Manley, a small business owner from McCracken County: “Medical marijuana is a way to ease pain without messing with your body. Prescription painkillers and alcohol are dangerous in the construction business. However, if someone takes THC at night for the pain, they come to work rested and ready to work.”
Find Out How Medical Cannabis Can Help You
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of Medical Cannabis, call us today at (812) 913-4416 to schedule a consultation. We are located in Jeffersonville, directly across Louisville, KY.