The Truth About Cancer
Cancer, Infection, Nutrition, Supplements & IV Therapy
At Kentuckiana Integrative Medicine, we believe that IV Vitamin C, IV Ozone [Major Auto Hemotherapy], IV Meyers Cocktail, IV Alpha Lipoic Acid, IV Glutathione, “Clean Eating” [Sugar Avoidance, Ketogenic Diet, Plant Based Diets, Alkaline Diets] and Distilled Water can all dramatically enhance the effectiveness of conventional cancer therapies and make the side effects more tolerable. We believe the best outcomes are obtained when BOTH conventional therapies [Traditional chemotherapy, radiation and / or surgery] are combined with natural therapies such as IV Vitamin C and IV Ozone. While these therapies are not FDA approved and are not designed to treat, cure or diagnose any particular illness, the breadth and scope of research supporting these non-conventional therapies is impressive.
IV Vitamin C and IV Ozone can make chemotherapy and radiation more effective while simultaneously reducing side effects which means you will have a better chance of completing the therapies recommended by your cancer specialist. [See below].
Our IV therapies contain the highest quality compounded natural vitamin products at the safest and highest concentration with the most reasonable pricing. Do NOT settle for “watered down” IV therapy with just a few ingredients and low dosing.
For Cancer Specialists & Patients
Mesothelioma Life Expectancy After Diagnosis-
We encourage both patients and cancer specialists to review the research enclosed below. We are confident you will be surprised by the beneficial research information you will discover. Almost ALL chemotherapy and radiation is made MORE EFFECTIVE when combined with IV Vitamin C [IVC] according to numerous research studies. Definite evidence that with the nearly always fatal PANCREATIC CANCER IV Vitamin C with chemo and radiation simultaneously on the same day is TWICE as effective by 12 months with fewer side-effects , improved well being and energy when compared to Radiation and Gemcitabine WITHOUT IVC. Patients not receiving IVC died a full 12 months sooner with many more chemo-radiation side effects!!!
Summary, the use of chemotherapy-radiation-IV Vitamin C against most Cancers is dramatically more effective than chemotherapy-radiation with NO Vitamin C. The use of IV Vitamin C improves a person’s sense of wellbeing, reduces or eliminates side effects and improves energy levels in most all cancer patients. In the above Pancreatic Cancer study involving ~ 35 patients, the patients treated with chemo-radiation and IVC lived a full 12 months LONGER and felt much better than those who did not receive IVC. Pancreatic Cancer almost always kills its victims like Steve Jobs [Apple Computer genius] and actor Patrick Swayze.
In the above study, two participants out of 14 receiving IV vitamin C-chemo-radiation became eligible for surgery, underwent surgical tumor removal, and at 44 months and 35 months post-diagnosis were without evidence of cancer recurrence. So at 3-4 years after surgery they remained FREE of PANCREATIC CANCER. IMPRESSIVE RESULTS for a CANCER THAT KILLS MOST ALL OF ITs VICTIMS. This Pancreatic cancer study confirms the power and synergy of combining both chemo-radiation with natural therapies like IV Vitamin C. We believe it is best to combine all of the above therapies. Treating cancer 100% “with natural therapies or 100% with ONLY chemo radiation is rarely as effective as when both are combined.
A 2014 research review in the ICT journal, for instance, concluded that: Although not exhaustive, high concentrations of vitamin C have been shown to have additive effects in combination with the following chemotherapy agents:
- cisplatin
- cyclophosphamide
- doxorubicin
- etoposide
- fluorouracil
- gemcitamine
- irinotecan
- paclitaxel
- tamoxifen
- vincristine
- FOLFIRI and FOLFOX regimens.
Conversely, IVC may interfere with the effects of bortezomibe and methotrexate based on in vitro data. Some of the research and clinical experience described below was produced by prestigious institutions like University of Kansas Medical Center, The Riordan Clinic in Wichita, Kansas, Cancer Centers of America and many others. Kentuckiana Integrative Medicine uses protocols developed by Dr. Jeanne Drisko MD from University of Kansas Medical Center, and Dr. Ron Hunninghake, MD, Dr. Thomas Levy MD, JD from the Riordan Clinic.
We will support any patient who refuses conventional cancer therapy, but it’s important to remind all cancer patients that the founder of Kentuckiana Integrative Medicine, Dr. Rafael F. Cruz has an 88 year old father who is a retired urologist. His father has survived and been cured of 5 malignant cancers using ONLY conventional cancer therapy meaning [chemo, surgery and radiation.]
He did NOT take any vitamin C supplements. Also, many patients determined to treat their cancer with only natural therapies often eventually try conventional care when natural therapies fail to bring about the desired results and are very happy they did so. One our friends, Dr. Bud, a naturopath who originally ONLY believed in a natural approach to cancer was relieved and impressed to discovered how helpful and effective chemo and radiation can be at prolonging life and providing pain relief to a Stage 4 cancer patient.
When the pain of bone cancer is involved, radiation therapy can provide great pain relief. More and more patients and cancer specialists report that the side effects from chemotherapy and radiation are far less than before and much better tolerated by the majority of patients. WE prefer that you be under the care of a conventional cancer specialist, but we will help you anyway we can and we will encourage 2nd opinions from other local cancer specialists as well as from other cancer centers like MD Anderson in Houston Texas. More and more conventional cancer specialists in Kentuckiana and across the country are recognizing the value of adding natural therapies to conventional therapy.
Cancer Centers of America focus on conventional approaches to cancer, but also strongly advocate for the use of natural approaches such as Nutrition, IV Vitamin Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Massage and Meditation etc. We often refer our patients to local oncologists (cancer specialists). Some of the cancer specialists that have received high praises from our patients include Dr. Elisabeth Von Bun [who treated Dr. Rafael F. Cruz] , Dr. Patrick Williams, Dr. Renato Laroca, Dr. Alfonso Cevera, Dr. Bijay Raghavan, Dr. Muneeb Choudry and Dr. John Hamm.
Dr. Elizabeth Von Bon took care of Dr. Rafael F. Cruz and saved him from 2 years of unnecessary Coumadin therapy. She is kind, extremely thorough and tolerant of or accepting of adding natural approaches to assist in the battle against cancer. The father of western medicine, Hippocrates, is well known for his statement: “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.” Too many of us ignore this advice. Through the field of Epigenics we have learned that certain foods encourage cancer while others can discourage its growth. Foods can turn on and OFF cancer causing genes. Red meat and pork are cancer promoters.
IV Vitamin C is a strong immune system booster. Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant; however, it becomes a pro-oxidant when it helps the body generate peroxide and or Highly Reactive Oxygen Species. In healthy cells, catalase breaks down the highly reactive oxygen species and the healthy cells are NOT harmed. Cancer cells on the other hand lack catalase and are harmed by the peroxide / highly reactive oxygen species. Vitamin C is chemically and structurally similar to glucose [sugar]. Since most cancers like to use sugar as an energy source, the cancer will mistakenly absorb Vitamin C causing a disruption in cancer metabolism and cancer growth through the production of peroxide / reactive oxygen species.
There are 60+ Pub Med research articles regarding IV Vitamin C. Like University of Kansas Medical Center and The Riordan Clinic our clinical patient experiences have been extremely positive at assisting with chemo side effects and maintain energy levels. IV Ozone is Oxygen with 3 atoms and is also an excellent immune system booster. Ozone is produced by antibodies during the bacterial killing process as discovered by the Scripps Research Institute from California by Lerner, Wentworth et al Science Nov 18, 2002.
There are 220+ Pub Med research articles regarding Ozone. Our clinical experience has been very positive. Ozone has been documented to kill the following bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.
- 63 Different Bacteria: Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio, Campylobacter Jejuni, Yersinia Entercolitica, Legionella
- 15 Viruses: Polio, Echo, Coxsackie
- 25 Fungi And Mold Spores: Aspergillus, Penicillium, Tricoderma
- 13 Fungal Pathogens: Alternaria, Monilinia, Rhizopus
- Encysted Protozoa: Giardia, Cryptosporidium
Ozone up-regulates the immune system. In lymphatic tissues, there is enhanced production of immune based cytokines through the stimulation of the “Cytokine Biologic Cascade”. This process enhances humoral and cell-mediated immunity supporting a person’s own immune system to more effectively combat foreign invaders. This process allows for “immunologic education” facilitating the recognition and death of pathogens. IV Magnesium and Glutathione are also very helpful. Magnesium infusions in our “Meyers cocktail” are a beneficial therapy for muscle pain, anxiety, headaches and also can correct mineral imbalances. Magnesium is involved in hundreds of metabolic reactions in the body and many people are magnesium deficient. IV Glutathione [the most powerful detoxifier of the body] has a large range of benefits for individuals struggling with neurologic symptoms related to metal and environmental toxicity, and impaired liver detoxification.
We also encourage the use of low dose naltrexone, Hyperbaric Oxygen and Infrared Sauna for many conditions including cancer. Go to to learn how helpful low dose naltrexone has been too many people with cancer. We hope to have the privilege of working with you, your cancer specialist and your family. Namaste Dr. Rafael F. Cruz MD
Recommended Compelling Research and Resources For Patients, Physicians, Cancer Specialists & Practitioners To Read:
FAQ – Questions and Answers About High-Dose Vitamin C Intravenous Vitamin C as A Cancer Treatment Update – An Interview with Jeanne Drisko, M.D. Intravenous Vitamin C and Cancer: A Systematic Review. , Gillian Flower, ND, Laura Weeks, PhD, Kieran Cooley, ND, Michael Callachan, BA, Jessie McGowan, PhD, Becky Skidmore, MLS, Leesa Kirchner, ND, FABNO, Dugald Seely, ND, MSc, FABNO PDQ High-Dose Vitamin C. PDQ® Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute. IV Vitamin C and Cancer by Nathan Goodyear | Feb 11, 2018 | Cancer, From The Doctor’s Desk Cells
IV Vitamin C and Ozone Before A Major Surgery
If you must have surgery involving a major joint or organ like belly surgery, heart surgery, joint replacement you should seriously consider preparing yourself by using IV Vitamin C and IV Ozone 2x per week for 3 weeks. These therapies dramatically reduce your chances of infection and blood clots while enhancing your ability to heal and reducing your need for pain medicine per Dr. Frank Shallenberger. IV Vitamin C saved a comatose septic “blood poisoned” New Zealand farmer who was in a coma for 3 weeks. The hospital doctors had given up hope and wanted to “pull the plug.” See how IV Vitamin C helped him.
IV Vitamin C For Energy & Hydration
Local plastic surgeons Dr. Chet Mays and Dr. Bradley Calobrace recommend Aqua Med IV …….. “a healthy dose of Vitamins and minerals through an IV a few days before surgery, on the day of surgery and after surgery to help their body recover and get the best outcome.” IV Therapy is not just for surgical patients…….but those who need a boost of energy or some extra hydration to recover from a busy weekend or week.
Pre-Surgery Preparation Protocol by Dr. Shallenberger
Dr. Shallenberger recommends that anyone facing a major operation involving the chest, abdomen, or any joints like the knee should consider receiving 2 IVs per week for 3 weeks of IV Vitamin C and IV Ozone because these therapies strengthen the body to heal, reduce the chances of infection, blood clots and need for pain medication.
IV Vitamin C and IV Ozone Helped One Patient With Colon Cancer Surgery
Dr. Shallenberger shared a case study of an independent 85-year-old lady with colon cancer that returned 5 years after it was first removed. Fortunately, it had not spread outside the colon. The problem was that no one wanted to operate on this lady for fear she would die on the surgical table or suffer the consequences of a colostomy, nursing home, etc. Her surgeon declined to re-operate and her family doctor strongly discouraged her from surgery or chemotherapy. Finally, she found Dr. Shallenberger. He recommended the above protocol [2 IVs per week for 3 weeks of IV Ozone and IV Vitamin C before surgery] and found her a different surgeon. The lady was supposed to be in the hospital for weeks. She was out of the hospital in record time and required no narcotics after her release from the hospital. She continues to drive and live independently. Regarding surgery-avoid surgery unless absolutely necessary. Always get a 2nd or even a 3rd opinion and not always from a surgeon. Surgeons are trained to fix problems with surgery and often overlook more gentle approaches. The third leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease and cancer is medical errors/surgery. According to several medical journals, more unnecessary surgeries are performed in the United States than in any other country in the world. The truth about surgery is that surgery is sometimes the best option, especially in emergencies. However, it should always be the last option until other non-surgical methods have all been considered and or tried. Too often, other, more natural therapies are not considered. Some orthopedic surgeons claim that Personal Messenger Signaling Cell Therapy Injections, Platelet Rich Plasma Injections, Prolotherapy, Prolozone are ineffective and even “quackery.” This is surprising since many orthopedic journals support the use of these injections/therapies and many orthopedic and non-orthopedic surgeons consistently help patients with these injections. Dr. Rafael Cruz was trained to harvest Personal Messenger Signaling Cells from fat and bone marrow by orthopedic surgeon Dr. Ron Gardner from Florida. Dr. Cruz returned the favor by teaching Dr. Gardner about Prolotherapy and Prolozone injections. In summary, all of the above therapies have proven themselves safe and consistently beneficial in promoting health and wellness and supporting the body’s ability to heal itself even during the stress of chemotherapy.
Mistletoe has been used for hundreds of years to treat medical conditions such as *cancer,*epilepsy, *hypertension,*headaches, *menopausal symptoms, *infertility, *arthritis, and rheumatism-[arthritis].
Mistletoe Therapy for Cancer and other Medical Conditions presented By Expert Dr. Mark Hancock from Humanizing Medicine and Kentuckiana Integrative Medicine Dr. Rafael F. Cruz
For those patients who want to benefit from Expert Dr. Mark Hancock’s expertise with Mistletoe and Cancer without going to his Atlanta, Georgia clinic; you will have the opportunity to consult with him via telemedicine at Kentuckiana Integrative Medicine.
Dr. Hancock will be guiding both the patient and Dr. Cruz on how best to assist each interested patient. Dr. Hancock will be charging a consult fee of $150 and a monthly fee of $75 with unlimited access to ask questions via email. Dr. Cruz will not charge any consult fees as he will be learning from Dr. Hancock. Kentuckiana Integrative Medicine will be charging for the recommended therapies with Mistletoe IVs and SQ Skin injections with same pricing schedule offered at Dr. Hancock’s office. For stage 3 or 4 cancer, Dr. Hancock generally recommends an aggressive treatment course consisting of an increasing dose of the appropriate type of mistletoe 3-5 x per week for 6 weeks at which time you will be switched to injections under the skin 3x per week. Mistletoe injections directly into tumors that can be felt will be possible.
Contact Kentuckiana Integrative Medicine, Louisville’s Regenerative Medicine Clinic
Find out if regenerative medicine is right for you! Learn more by contacting us today by filling out a form online to request a consultation with one of our regenerative medicine doctors. We are located directly across Louisville, KY in Jeffersonville.