Personal Messenger Signaling Cell Injection Therapy collected from your body in Kentuckiana
Our focus is Adipose “Fat” and Bone Marrow Aspiration Medicinal Signaling Cell Injections [collected from your body] which are offered to patients in Louisville KY, Clark County Jeffersonville, Indiana, and Kentuckiana.
Offered to patients in Kentuckiana, the Southern Indiana area, and beyond.
“Use your body to heal your body.”
Here at Kentuckiana Integrative Medicine of Jeffersonville, our physicians and medical practitioners offer a medical breakthrough injection treatment using Hyaluronic gel [covered by most insurances], and self-pay Prolozone, Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma, Harvested Adipose “Fat” and or Bone Marrow Medicinal Signaling Cells [from your body] Injection Therapy to patients in the Louisville, KY – Kentuckiana area.
We are one of the most experienced clinics in Kentuckiana. Almost no other clinic in our area offers or has received training in injection therapy with Prolozone, Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma and both Harvested Adipose “Fat” and or Bone Marrow Medicinal Signaling Cells collected [from your body] with a nearly painless proprietary technique] with injection to most any painful arthritic joint, neck or spine. We are very confident in our techniques because most patients experience improvement and pain relief within the first hour of our Prolozone injections which are frequently offered at no charge depending on the severity of your situation.
Chiropractor, Dr. Rasmussen, had a bad sports injury in 1977. He has had knee pain ever since and recently the pain has made most life and daily events unbearable. BMA Bone Marrow Aspiration relieves issues in 2-10 days. BMA injections to a knee to help with major pain issues from a 50+-year-old injury.
Our treatment approaches are evidence-based on sound research and the clinical experience of thousands of physicians who have provided and demonstrated clear benefits to their patients in a variety of clinical situations. The treatment is individualized and tailored specifically based on each patient’s unique clinical condition. We use Adipose “Fat” aspirated [collected] from your abdomen and BMA – Bone Marrow Aspirate MSCs Medicinal Signaling Cells. We have shifted our focus to harvested MSCs from your body’s adipose fat stores or your bone marrow.
We have performed more harvesting via Bone Marrow Aspiration, Adipose “fatty tissue” Aspiration of Medicinal Signaling Cells and cell procedures, and other forms of regenerative medicine than the majority of clinics in the USA. Our clinicians are board-certified with advanced training and skills.
Conditions that have been effectively treated or improved include but are not limited to the list below. NOTE: We DO NOT necessarily treat ALL listed conditions; however, extensive compelling research and clinical experience suggest benefits in all listed areas.
Musculoskeletal conditions we have treated
- Athletic Injuries
- Torn Ligaments
- Hip, Shoulder & Knee Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis in Joints
- Hair Loss
- Chronic Joint Pain [Neck Pain, SPINE Pain, Low Back Pain, Shoulder, Wrist, Hand, Hip, Knee, Foot]
- Failed Back Syndrome
- Non-Healing Fractures,
- Non Healing Wounds & Ulcers
- Conditions below have been treated by other clinics with significant symptom and pain relief but NO cures.
- Autoimmune diseases
- Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Lupus
- Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Parkinson’s
- COPD, Asthma, Diabetes Type 1 &Type 2
- Dental Procedures, Anti-Aging, Dermatologic Skin Conditions, Cosmetic /Aesthetic therapies, Hair Restoration
- And many more!

Louisville Medicinal Signaling Cell Treatment at Kentuckiana Integrative Medicine
Medicinal Signaling Cells (MSCs) EXPLAINED
Adipose “Fat” And Bone Marrow MSC Medicinal Signaling Cells harvesting and collection are some of most advanced therapies in Regenerative and Integrative Medicine for a variety of medical problems that are not easily treated with traditional conventional allopathic medical approaches. There is an abundance of clinical experience by numerous physicians, patients and researchers demonstrating consistently that Medicinal Signaling Cells-MSC therapy can be extremely helpful in a wide variety of medical conditions that are difficult to treat, such as Medicinal Signaling Cell therapy for knees, shoulder injuries, and hip conditions.
Clearly not all conditions and or patients will be helped with Medicinal Signaling Cell Therapies. However, the reported scientific evidence of effective results from patients, physicians and researchers in a variety of medical conditions is impressive. No other medical therapies in recent medical history have offered as much hope and concrete results of patient improvement.

What Are Medicinal Signaling Cells?
Personal Messenger Signaling cells are undifferentiated cells that can transform into specialized cells such as heart, neurons, liver, lung, skin, and so on, and can also divide to produce more cells. In a child or young adult, these cells are in large supply, acting as a built-in repair system. They are often summoned to the site of damage or inflammation to repair and restore normal function.
- A useful analogy is to imagine your cells as a team of repairmen in your newly constructed mansion [your body]. When the mansion is new and the repairmen are young, they can fix almost everything. But as the repairman age and reduce in number, your mansion [your body] eventually goes into disrepair and perhaps arthritis develops.
- But what if you could restore and rejuvenate your arthritic painful knee?
- You can allow our team to extract and concentrate your own autologous adult cells from places like your adipose (fatty tissue) or bone marrow.
- These cells act as chemical factories generating vital growth factors that can help to reduce inflammation, increase muscle mass, repair joints, and even revitalize skin and grow hair.
Personal Messenger Signaling Cell Injection Therapy Success Stories
Below are clinical scenarios and our very own patients that demonstrate the incredible research and clinical implications for Medicinal Signaling Cell therapies on patients. The future is very promising today when it comes to Medicinal Signaling Cell therapy.
- Medicinal Signaling Cells Able to Grow New Human Eyes: Biologists led by Kohji Nishida at Osaka University in Japan have discovered a new way to nurture and grow the tissues that make up the human eyeball. The scientists are able to grow retinas, corneas, the eye’s lens, and more using only a small sample of adult skin.
- Medicinal Signaling Cell Injections Help Stroke Victims Walk Again: In a study out of Stanford, of 18 stroke victims who agreed to Medicinal Signaling Cell treatments, seven of them showed remarkable motor function improvements. This treatment may work for other neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
- Signaling Cells Help Paralyzed Victim Gain Use of Arms: Physicians from the USC Neuro-restoration Center and Keck Medicine of USC injected Medicinal Signaling Cells into the damaged cervical spine of a recently paralyzed 21-year-old man. Three months later, he showed dramatic improvement in sensation and movement of both arms.
Jim Dearing of Louisville, Ky., one of the first men in the world to receive heart medicinal signaling cells may have helped start a medical revolution that could lead to a cure for heart failure. Three years after getting the experimental medicinal signaling cell procedure, following two heart attacks and heart failure, Jim Dearing’s heart is working normally. The difference is clear and dramatic — and it’s lasting, according to findings now being made public for the first time.
Mr. Dearing first showed “completely normal heart function” on an echocardiogram done in 2011, says Roberto Bolli, MD, who is leading the Medicinal Signaling Cells trial at the University of Louisville. Those results have not been published before. That was still true in July 2012, when Dearing again showed normal heart function on another echocardiogram. Based on those tests, Dr. Bolli says, “Anyone who looks at his heart now would not imagine that this patient was in heart failure, that he had a heart attack, that he was in the hospital, that he had surgery, and everything else.”
It’s not just Dearing who has benefited. His friend, Mike Jones, who had even more severe heart damage, also got the signaling cell procedure in 2009. Since then, scarred regions of his heart have shrunk. His heart now appears leaner and stronger than it was before. “What’s striking and exciting is that we’re seeing what appears to be a long-lasting improvement in function,” Bolli says. If larger studies confirm the findings, potentially, we have a cure for heart failure because we have something that for the first time can actually regenerate dead tissue.
Future of Medicinal Signaling Cell Therapeutics
Over the last decade, the number of publications per year on Medicinal Signaling Cell-related research has increased 40x. The Medicinal Signaling Cell market is expected to reach $170 billion by 2020. Rising R&D initiatives to develop therapeutic options for chronic diseases and growing demand for a regenerative treatment option are the most significant drivers of this budding industry.
Here are some areas of frequent interest.
- Clinical applications of MSCs: Medicinal Signaling Cells, the major cells for cell therapy have been used in many clinics for approximately 10 years. Currently, 344 registered clinical trials in different clinical trial phases are aimed at evaluating the potential of MSC-based cell therapy worldwide. From animal models to clinical trials, MSCs have afforded promise in the treatment of numerous diseases. The ability of MSCs to differentiate into osteoblasts, tenocytes and chondrocytes has attracted interest for their use in orthopedic settings. First, MSCs have been shown to be beneficial in treating bone disorders, such as osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) and hypophosphatasia. Other promising therapeutic avenues for MSCs include the treatment of Osteoarthritis, Tendon tears, autoimmune disease [Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Crohns disease, Ulcerative Colitis], COPD, Multiple Sclerosis, Cardiovascular disease, Stroke, Brain Injury, Paralysis, Liver disease and even Cancer.
Medicinal Signaling Cell Revolution – We are at the cusp of a Medicinal Signaling Cell revolution. Understanding and harnessing these unique cells may unlock breakthroughs in longevity and therapeutic solutions to all kinds of chronic diseases and regenerative opportunities.
In Conclusion
As humans, we’ve just come to accept the notion that we are going to die. However, the keys to our longevity and health may lie in our own source code.
In the next two decades, Medicinal Signaling Cells are going to change medicine forever, extend life, and potentially save lives. We truly live during the most exciting time ever in human history.
Heart Disease:
Parkinson’s Disease: